Show simple item record S. V. S. R., Raju 2019-12-18T08:18:21Z 2019-12-18T08:18:21Z 2017
dc.description Raju S.V.S.R.Total global neighbourhood domination / S.V.S.R. Raju, I.H.N. Rao // Algebra and Discrete Mathematics. - 2017. - Vol. 24. - Number 2. - Рp. 320-330 uk_UA
dc.description.abstract A subset D of the vertex set of a connected graph G is called a total global neighbourhood dominating set(tgnd-set) of G if and only if D is a total dominating set of G as well as GN , where GN is the neighbourhood graph of G. The total global neighbourhood domination number(tgnd-number) is the minimum cardinality of a total global neighbourhood dominating set of G and is denoted by γtgn(G). In this paper sharp bounds for γtgn are obtained. Exact values of this number for paths and cycles are presented as well. The characterization result for a subset of the vertex set of G to be a total global neighbourhood dominating set for G is given and also characterized the graphs of order n(> 3) having tgnd-numbers 2, n − 1, n. uk_UA
dc.language.iso en uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries математичні науки;
dc.subject semi complete graph uk_UA
dc.subject total dominating set uk_UA
dc.subject connected dominating set. uk_UA
dc.title Total global neighbourhood domination uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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