The object of this study is a technology of the new surface-active
substances (SAS) based on sulfomethylated phenol. The study's aim
was to improve the technology by a catalytic method, implying the
development of industrial schemes for the synthesis processes.
During phenol sulfomethylation, the active conversion of monomers
into polymeric substances starts only at a temperature of 110‒120 °C;
the surface-active substances with an optimal polymeric composition
were obtained only at a temperature of 130 °C. In the reaction of
phenol sulfomethylation in a water environment at a temperature
below 90 °C, obtaining SAS with the required properties takes more
than 9 hours. The significant disadvantages of this technique are the
relatively low yield of the target product and a significant amount of
free phenol in the finished product (over 15 percent).
It is known that a more powerful and less risky technique to
accelerate the reaction than rising the temperature is catalysis.
This study investigated the reaction of phenol sulfomethylation
under conditions of interphase catalysis. This has made it possible to
improve the main technological parameters: the reaction temperature
was reduced from 130 °C to 90 °C, the process duration was shortened
to 3 hours, to process was conducted at atmospheric pressure. The
catalyst used was a cation-active SAS: cetyltrimethylammonium
bromide. This makes it possible to simplify the technological scheme
of obtaining SAS, that is, to use less energy-intensive and cheap
A benefit of the proposed technology is the low-waste, singlestage production, and the use of available raw materials: phenol,
formaldehyde, and sodium sulfite. During the study, the products were
obtained that are similar, in terms of the surface-active properties,
to the NF Dispersant, which is widely used in the industry. This
makes it possible to expand the range of multifunctional surfaceactive substances with better bio destruction than products based on
naphthalene and lignin.
According to the results of studying the samples obtained, the
scope of their application has been proposed. The resulting products
have been tested, with positive results, as the anion-active SAS, used
as dispersants in the production of organic dyes, as aligners when
dyeing textiles, and as plasticizing additives for concrete mixtures
Sokolenko N. Technology of obtaining watersoluble surfaceactive substances by the method of phenol sulfomethylation / N . Sokolenko, Ye. Popov, K . Fastovetska // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. - 2020. - № 4/6 ( 106 ). - Р. 45-53.