Annotation deals with the problem of radical improvement of the quality of training of
future specialists in the sphere of physical education and sport, which can be provided not
only a significant improvement of teaching methods, but also the feedback that is realized
through educational, creative, practical work of students. It traced the idea of improving the
pedagogical control through the introduction of a points assessment system knowledge and skills of students in terms of credit-modular system of training. Particular attention in the training of this discipline at the first stage is given to the football technology in defense and offense. At the same time with the development of technical activities, students learn the tactics of the game, work out the rules of the game and refereeing technique in practice, learn different ways of interacting with partners in double, triple, simple tactics. The article analyzes the modular training program of discipline tourism and outdoor games with the methods of teaching, which are divided into meaningful units, each with a separate theme which includes classroom and independent work. Assessing the success of a student during the development of the module was carried out on the basis of the current and final control. The authors proposed that the Scoring was conducted within the prescribed term, provided the work plan of discipline. With this module installed forms of knowledge and control of their number (the student’s educational activities in the classroom learning the practice test standards of independent work).
Лєонтьєв О. Форми контролю знань студентів навчально-наукового інституту фізичного виховання і спорту в процесі вивчення дисципліни «Футзал з методикою викладання» / О. Лєонтьєв, І. Лєонтьєва // Розвиток сучасної освіти і науки: результати, проблеми, перспективи. Том IV : Зміни та синергія в розвитку науки та освіти [колективна монографія] / [Наук. ред.: Я. Ґжесяк, І. Зимомря, В. Ільницький]. - Конін – Ужгород – Херсон – Київ : Посвіт, 2020. - С. 127-133.