The article is devoted to results of the practical application of the
express- method and the express methodology of the expertise of the motor oils by
the leading experts of the Scientific research center «Nezalezhna ekspertyza» for
determining the originality and quality of motor oil for passenger cars. Elaborated
methodology study allows to determine the originality and quality of motor oils for
passenger cars, it was possible with using various algorithms. The research results
can be used by expert during receipting of batches of motor oils for passenger cars
in the warehouse and during selling it to the consumer in the trade network. At the
same time, the results of the research can be used for methodological support of
commodity expert examination of motor oils and its further development.
Omelchenko N. Determination of originality and quality of the motor oil due
to the express-method / N. Omelchenko, V. Drel, A. Brailko // Качество и сертификация на продуктите : Сб. с доклади от междунар. науч.-практич. конф. - Варна : Наука и икономика, 2020. - С. 149-155.