Digital Repository of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University

Virtual Educational Space and Psychological Problems in a Pandemic

Show simple item record Vdovichena, O. Bahunina, O. Tovstukha, O. Lukіianchuk, A. Budko, H. 2024-09-24T13:57:33Z 2024-09-24T13:57:33Z 2021
dc.description Vdovichena O. Virtual Educational Space and Psychological Problems in a Pandemic / O. Vdovichena, O. Bahunina, O. Tovstukha and others // Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Internationa. – 2021. – № 33 (50B) – P. 274-285. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract Aims: We aimed to analyze the peculiarities of educational simplicity and psychological problems under pandemic conditions, to conduct an empirical study among the participants of the educational space, to identify correlations between psychological properties of personality and the level of procrastination. Study Design: empirical study among the participants of the educational space, identifying correlations between psychological properties of personality and the level of procrastination. Place and Duration of Study: 320 students and teachers of higher educational institutions in Lviv took part in the survey. Methodology: In our study we used descriptive and empirical methods with application of elements of statistics - Pearson correlation analysis. In the study we also used the following sociological methods: online survey “Detection of socio-psychological problems, procrastination generated by the COVID-19 pandemic in the activity of educational institutions”, scales of diagnosing emotional states of personality, “Procrastination Scales” by B. V. Takman and methods of FAM (Feeling-Activity-Mood). Place and duration of the study: Dnipro State Medical University, Institute of Kyiv National Trade and Economic University and Medical Institute Sumy State University, of State mortgage «Lugansk National University of Taras Shevchenko» from April to October 2021. We also followed systemic approach, comparative method, weighting and forecasting method, according to which virtual educational environment also opens new perspectives for teachers and students, providing opportunities of access to multidirectional information, which allows to acquire social knowledge, social experience, formulate life prospects and realize personal potential. Results: It was found that teachers and students during the COVID-19 pandemic had a higher level of positive well-being, activity, a higher level of mood than during the pandemic. It was also determined that teachers and students had an increased level of procrastination during the pandemic. According to the results of correlation analysis in the group of students and teachers’ correlation relationships between the indicators: the level of procrastination, mood, well-being was established. It has been established that the crisis has hurt both the country and the population quite badly. Training for pupils and students and teachers changed from full-time to distance learning. This form of learning vividly showed all the difficulties: the motivation of students; their ability to self-education; communication in the learning process; the organization of the learning process. For teaching staff, the main difficulty became mastering digital technology to organize the educational process. Empirically it was confirmed that the emotional state “before” and “during” the pandemic is significantly different. Conclusion: The stressful situation has had its negative impact on the mental health of participants in the educational process, so an important role in this time of crisis is the activity of the psychological service of the educational institution. uk_UA
dc.language.iso en uk_UA
dc.subject Distance learning uk_UA
dc.subject COVID-19 pandemic uk_UA
dc.subject education uk_UA
dc.subject students uk_UA
dc.subject education uk_UA
dc.subject quarantine uk_UA
dc.subject psycho-emotional state uk_UA
dc.title Virtual Educational Space and Psychological Problems in a Pandemic uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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