Digital Repository of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University

Analysis of the natural recreation resources of the National Nature Park «Male Polysya» using GIS technologies

Show simple item record Sopov, D. Kyrpychova, I. Usenko, V. Lobok, D. Sopova, N. 2024-09-23T14:29:20Z 2024-09-23T14:29:20Z 2023
dc.description Sopov D. Analysis of the natural recreation resources of the National Nature Park «Male Polysya» using GIS technologies / D. Sopov, I. Kyrpychova, V. Usenko and others // International Conference of Young Professionals “GeoTerrace-2023” 2-4 October 2023, Lviv. – 2023. – P. 1–4. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract Among the areas of recreational activity, ecological tourism is gaining more and more popularity every year - recreation in unchanged or little-changed natural territories, which is combined with a positive attitude towards the environment, and not just its use. At the same time, the main centers of recreation and ecotourism in Ukraine are National Natural Parks – objects of the nature reserve fund, one of the tasks of which is to create conditions for organized recreation of the population in natural conditions (The Law of Ukraine, 1992). This is done through a certain organization of the territory, which allows to preserve the most valuable parts of nature, and in the zones where recreational activities are carried out, to control the impact of visitors on the environment and to develop measures to restore disturbed ecosystems. This is a particularly urgent task in the context of the loss and stay under occupation of a significant part of the institutions of the nature reserve fund of Ukraine, in connection with the military aggression of the Russian Federation, as well as significant recreational pressure on the protected territories of the Carpathian region, which necessitates the search for new places for the restoration of physical and mental health of both local residents and internally displaced persons, military personnel, etc. Not the last role in such studies is played by the use of GIS technology. uk_UA
dc.language.iso en uk_UA
dc.subject National Natural Park uk_UA
dc.subject attractiveness factor uk_UA
dc.subject natural recreational resources uk_UA
dc.subject GIS technologies uk_UA
dc.subject ecotourism uk_UA
dc.title Analysis of the natural recreation resources of the National Nature Park «Male Polysya» using GIS technologies uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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