Aim: Theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the method of using innovative technologies, aimed at improving the health of
students in the process of physical education with the use of crossyt in medical institutions of higher education.
Materials and Methods: The research was carried out within the framework of the discipline “Physical Education”, among students of 1-2
courses of medical specialties. In the experimental group, classes were held once a week for 90 minutes with the method of using crossyt
for boys and girls, also there were additional extracurricular classes once a week (60 minutes). The control group was engaged in the usual
program of physical education. Students of higher education institutions were oqered a method of classes using crossyt tools.
Results: In the educational process in higher education institutions, physical education is a way to achieve strategic goals by preserving the health
of young people. An important aspect of our study is the use of innovative technologies in physical education process through crossyt. Crossyt refers
to strength training and has an extreme system of general physical training, based on the alternation of basic movements in diqerent sports.
The crossyt training system allows you to easily adapt it for people with diqerent levels of physical ytness. Students of higher education
institutions were oqered a method of classes using crossyt tools in physical education process.
Conclusions: Thanks to the implemented methodology, the usage of functional all-around (crossyt), we proved that during our study,
students who were engaged in the experimental method, improved their general physical condition, level of physical ytness and motivation
to engage in physical culture and sports.
Shkola O. M. Study of the State of Physical Fitness of Students of Medical Institutions of Higher Education by Means of Cross]t in the Process of Physical Education / O. M. Shkola, O. V. Fomenko, O. V. Otravenko and other // Acta Balneol. – 2021. – TOM LXIII, Nr 2(164). –Pp. 105-109.